Welcome To The Most Liberating and Flexible Lifestyle!

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Finally You Can Just Eat!

Principles Taught In This Coaching Program Is From The First Weight Loss Book To Tell You to Just Eat To a Slimmer and Healthier You!

Probably You Are :

  • Tired of Denying Yourself the food You Love

  • Tired of How You Look and Feel

  • Tired of Trying many Unsustainable ‘Yo-Yo’ Diets

  • Tired of Spending Money on Weight Loss Pills, Shakes, Protein Bars and Slimming Teas

  • Tired of Counting Calories and Feeling Guilty about Eating what love

  • Tired of Your Clothes Getting Tighter and Tighter

  • Tired of Your Health Deteriorating Because of Your Eating Habits

  • Afraid and Want to Avoid Lifestyles related Non Communicable Diseases

  • Tired of Complaining about How you Look and Feel

  • Tired of 'Don't Eat This'..'Don't Drink That'..'Weigh This'..'Measure This'..'Count This'.. the List is endless!

Tell Me If This Is Where You Are :

  • You have Heard of Intermittent Fasting from Many Sources and Media

  • You don’t Know anything about Intermittent Fasting and have never Heard About It

  • You have Read books on Intermittent Fasting and Don’t Know Where and How To Start

  • You have Developed Interest On Intermittent Fasting but You are Not Sure if it is For You

  • You have Tried Intermittent Fasting in the Past but You were Unsucessful

  • You love Intermittent Fasting and you are Experiencing Positive Success, and you now want to Make it a Permanently Effortless Lifestyle

  • You have Watched various Videos on Intermittent Fasting and it sounds Interesting, Doable and you want to Adopt this Amazing Lifestyle

  • You are Curious and Intrigued about Intermittent Fasting and you Want to Explore it Further

  • You Enjoyed the Intermittent Fasting Success Stories and you are looking Forward to Achieving your Weight Loss Goals Too

  • You belong to a few Intermittent Fasting Groups and this Time you want Personal Attention, Assistance, Support and Coaching. You want Quick and Direct Responses Directly From the Just Eat Book Author, Rachel Nekati

'Listen I Feel Your Pain and Struggle'

... I'm Here To Help You.

Course Content

  • 1

    Module 1: Welcome and Congratulations!

    • Lesson 1: Say Bye To The Old and Hi To The New!

    • Lesson 2: Disclaimer and Precautions

    • Lesson 3: Foreword from Just Eat Intermittent Fasting Lifestyle Book Written By : Dr Bert Herring

    • Lesson 4: Why Learn From Me?

    • Lesson 5: Time to reflect on your past...

    • Lesson 6: Intermittent fasting experiences

  • 2

    Module 2: Introduction to Intermittent Fasting

    • Lesson 7: What is Intermittent Fasting?

    • Lesson 8: When does your body switch from Fed State, Post Fed state and Fasted state?

    • Lesson 9: What is Insulin Resistance?

    • Lesson 10: How well do you understand..

  • 3

    Module 3: Benefits Of Intermittent Fasting

    • Lesson 11: What to expect when you adopt an Intermittent Fasting lifestyle?

  • 4

    Module 4: Methods Of Intermittent Fasting

    • Lesson 12: Methods of Intermittent Fasting and Recommendations

  • 5

    Module 5: How to begin Intermittent Fasting?

    • Lesson 13: How to start ?

  • 6

    Module 6: Exercise and Intermittent Fasting

    • Lesson 14: How to combine exercise with Intermittent Fasting?

  • 7

    Module 7: General Intermittent Fasting Tips

    • Lesson 15: Important Intermittent Fasting tips from myself and many others

  • 8

    Module 8: Intermittent Fasting Frequently Asked Questions

    • Lesson 16: How to prepare for a fast?

    • Lesson 17: What to eat during a fast?

    • Lesson 18: When to start counting fasting hours?

    • Lesson 19: When is the best time to fast?

    • Lesson 20: How to open an eating window?

    • Lesson 21: Should I eat when I am not hungry?

    • Lesson 22: Can I combine intermittent fasting with other diets?

    • Lesson 23: Can I exercise when intermittent fasting?

    • Lesson 24: Can I take medication when fasting?

    • Lesson 25: Intermittent Fasting Frequently Asked Questions

  • 9

    Module 9 : Conclusion and Certification

    • Lesson 26: Congratulations!.. Additional Support, Research and Reading

    • Lesson 27: Course Evaluation

  • 10

    Module 10 : Bonus Features : Emotional Eating and Food Anxiety Self - Assessment

  • 11

    Module 11: Intermittent Fasting Zoom Workshops Log Details Available Here!

    • Just Eat Intermittent Fasting Webinar 001 - Log In Details

You Have Come This Far! Now You Want To :

  • Lose Weight and Feel Great

  • Establish a Good Relationship with Food

  • Learn more about Intermittent Fasting through Interactive Well Explained Videos and Text

  • Experience a Difference Approach to Intermittent through interactive Videos and Text

  • Entertain Yourself with Informative Chapter Related Interactive Videos on Intermittent Fasting

  • Get Constant Support and Coaching

  • Learn Extensively about Intermittent Fasting

  • Get support to adopt Intermittent Fasting Lifestyle

  • Get Coaching by the Just Eat Book Author and the Experienced Intermittent Fasting Mentors and Coaches

  • Be Updated with Regular Tips on Intermittent Fasting

Get Coached - Get Supported - Get Informed

Directly By The Author Of Just Eat Book

What Is In It For You?

  • You will be a Member of the PRIVATE EXCLUSIVE COACHING group

  • You will learn from an INTERACTIVE VIDEO based online training on INTERMITTENT FASTING, its BENEFITS, METHODS and STEP BY STEP approach

  • You will receive WEEKLY/DAILY PERSONAL and or GROUP COACHING sessions

  • You will get ADVICE on the best MEAL CHOICES and TIPS

  • You will get ADVICE on how to incorporate EXERCISE with intermittent fasting

  • You will get RESPONSES to all your QUESTIONS within 24HRS

  • You will have ACCESS to members only WEEKLY Webinar, Zoom Discussions and Facebook Live

  • Once you have achieved your goal you can choose to become an AFFILIATE

Success Stories

"I Know The Right Time To Have My Meals"

- Nyangu Molefi

Intermittent Fasting helped me to live a healthy lifestyle by knowing when its the right time to have my meals. I don't snack nor eat the entire day. My body feels light and I have attained very clear skin. I feel good and healthier among many other benefits.

"I've Developed Better Eat Habits"

- Gopolang Ontumetse

Intermittent Fasting has definitely changed my eating habits. When I travel i used to buy sweets fizzy drinks loads of junk food and eat as ll the way . When I travel, I buy only water and during my window. At home I just drink tea and water. I’m always full of energy and I find I eat healthy foods 90% of the time

"I am Able To Control My Eating Habits"

- Anna Mutenga

For me Intermittent fasting really helped me to control my eating habits. I used to snack a lot; as early as 7 am then it would continue through out the day. Now, I am only eating during my window. My body has really shrunk and it's noticeable. I am happy with this lifestyle.

"I No Longer Turn To Food For Comfort"

- Langanani Slave

Limited eating times helps me not to eat as often as I used to. I no longer resort to cups of tea when I get overwhelmed by my job. I no longer resort to snacks to avoid boredom. This is my first week after making up my mind to embark on this lifestyle and I feel its working. No more snacking and tea breaks the entire day. I feel great.

"No More Emotional Eating"

-Wapa Happiness

Intermittent fasting has had a great impact on my wellness and well being. I now have control over my eating, due to the relationship that I now have with my body. No more emotional eating! #listentoyourbody! Happiness!

"I have Discipline Although I Am A Chef"

- Mpho Kebakile

IF has really helped me so much. As a Chef I am exposed to a variety of food however I have developed self control. With IF, I break my fast at 11am with a fruit after a few minutes I eat my next meal. I love how i look and I feel good in my clothes.

"I Only Eat When I Am Hungry"

- Kelebogile Mopako

IF has helped me to listen to my body's need for food. I eat only when I'm hungry. I eat to nourish my body. Due to the fact that I have shorter open window I have cut a lot on snacking. My stomach has shrunk and my face is glowing.

"I Don't Feel The Pressure To Eat"

- Seipone Paledi

IF has really done wonders. I don't just eat when others are eating. I have a Lot of energy and too I sleep very well. It's my lifestyle- That Love

"I Listen To My Body, Not Look At The Clock"

- Bomolemo Selaledi

It's now a lifestyle, a part of me that I can't imagine life without. Meal times are not determined by time, but rather I listen to my body. This lifestyle has brought about: alertness, focus,increased energy levels, inner peace & happiness, remarkable and sustained weight - loss.It's now an effortless hobby. Thanks to you Rachel

Get Personal Coaching Now!

Its NOW your time to ACHIEVE your GOAL BODY and attain GOOD HEALTH!

Intermittent Fasting SAVED ME from 30 Years of 'Dieting'

I've struggled with weight from the Age of 13 and have spent most of my life 'Riding a Roller Coaster' of different Diets.

Though I would sometimes lose weight, unfortunately, that weight loss will be very short-lived. Most of my weight loss was attributed to strict dieting, denying myself my favourite food and excessive exercise. Unfortunately, my regular multiple crash diets were unsustainable, and most of the time, I felt miserable and deprived.

"Intermittent Fasting is My Permanent Breakthrough to Weight Loss and Great Health!"

- Rachel Nekati

A Laundry List of my Previous Diets :

My desperate attempts to keep my weight within acceptable ranges both for heath reasons and to have my goals size lead me to the darkest life of diets and frustration. That was the most depressing and uncertain lifestyle one could ever experience. Below are some of the diets I have tried thus far:

  • High Protein Diet

  • Liquid Diet

  • Two Shakes a Day Diet

  • Calorie In/Calories Out Lifestyle

  • Eat-For-Your-Blood Type Diet

  • Onion/Cabbage/Egg Diet

  • Electro-Muscular Stimulation diet

  • Raw Food Diet

  • Slimming Tablets and Fat Burn

  • Low-Carb Diet

"No Migranes or No Insomnia "

- Hlengie Faku (Intermittent Fasting Coach)

Hlengie's Intermittent Fasting Journey has NOT JUST helped her lose weight. Watch and Listen in to How IF has helped reduce her migraines, assisted in curing her insomnia and stopped her body inflammations.

My Intermittent Fasting Benefits

  • I have lost 25kg/55.11lbs and I have moved from size 42/44 to 34/36

  • I have normalised my blood pressure and I no longer have body inflammations

  • I have moved one shoe size down and normalized my pre-diabetic condition

  • I am no longer an emotional eater and have amazing energy and mind clarity

  • My skin is glowing and excess body fat is gone and have achieved my goal body composition

  • I enjoy the freedom and flexibility to eat the food I love

  • I have stopped reading ‘diet’ books/magazines neither have I tried again any ‘quick ‘ weight loss diet since adopting this amazing lifestyle

  • I Intuitively Eat with Purpose, Passion and Gratitude

- Sandra Lee

Say "Goodbye" to The Old and "Hello" To the New

Join The Intermittent Fasting Coaching Bootcamp Today!

Meet The Author and Instructor

Author. Trainer. Coach

Rachel Nekati

Dr. Rachel Nekati is a distinguished professional renowned for her multifaceted expertise and impactful leadership in executive coaching, training consultancy, and cognitive behavioural life coaching. With a career spanning over two decades, Dr. Nekati is the esteemed founder and CEO of Achievement Enterprises, a prominent entity now celebrating its 19th year of operation. As an accomplished author, executive coach, and training consultant, Dr. Nekati's influential work has transcended borders and industries. Leveraging her extensive experience as a strategic and transformational leader, she has held executive positions within significant organisations across diverse sectors. As a Mindset Change Ambassador, Dr. Nekati has mentored top-tier individuals, including ministers, permanent secretaries, CEOs, and senior executives in the public and private sectors. Notably, she spearheaded the execution of Culture and Mindset Change Training for Botswana's Senior Officials and employees, marking a pivotal moment in her career trajectory. Dr. Nekati is renowned for her bestselling book, "Just Shift: Self Mastery Guide to Mindset Change," which serves as a cornerstone in aiding individuals in developing a growth mindset, enhancing teamwork dynamics, and boosting workplace productivity. With an illustrious background encompassing senior leadership roles in esteemed organisations such as Standard Chartered Bank, Barclays Bank, and DeBeers Botswana, Dr. Nekati brings a wealth of expertise garnered from international banking experiences in Singapore, Kenya, Zimbabwe, Ghana, and her native Botswana. Noteworthy achievements include her instrumental role in centralising and elevating Barclays Bank Botswana's retail credit function to a top-ranking position within Africa. As a seasoned entrepreneur and certified professional in personal development and cognitive behavioural life coaching, Dr Nekati has established an Online Soft Skills Training Academy, serving as a beacon of excellence in personal and professional development. She empowers individuals with the skills and competencies necessary for personal growth and professional success through flexible and interactive online video-based courses. Driven by a profound commitment to making a positive impact, Dr Nekati has coached thousands of clients individually and in groups, guiding them toward transformative mindset shifts in areas ranging from leadership and business management to general well-being. She has further expanded her reach by creating Self-Mastery Coaching Masterclasses for Adults and Youths and hosting the esteemed Self-Mastery YouTube Channel, "Just Talk with Rachel," which focuses on issues of mindset change and well-being. Beyond her professional endeavours, Dr Nekati serves as the Board HR Chairperson for Morupule Coal Mine and Botswana Digital Innovation Hub, with prior roles including Board HR Chairperson at Water Utilities Corporation and Botswana Technology Centre. Her academic credentials include a PhD in Cognitive Psychology and Neuroscience from the USA, an MSc in Business and Organizational Psychology from the UK, and a Bachelor of Commerce Degree from the University of Botswana, complemented by numerous psychology accreditations. As a published author of three books, including "Just Shift: Self Mastery Guide to Mindset Change," "Mindset Change Simplified Series," and "Just Eat Intermittent Fasting Lifestyle," Dr. Nekati continues to inspire others through her unwavering dedication to capacitating and helping people be happier and become the best versions of themselves, fostering a culture of personal growth, resilience, and fulfilment. Driven by her enduring values of Passion, Purpose, and Impact, Dr Rachel Nekati continues to inspire and empower individuals and organisations alike on their journey towards greatness.

"My Improved Appetite Correction With Intermittent Fasting''

- Pascaline Sefawe

Appetite correction is a practical approach to losing fat greatly stimulated by intermittent fasting. Listen in on Pascaline's success story on how she improved her appetite correction through the Intermittent Fasting Lifestyle.

Payment Frequently Asked Questions

  • How May You Pay?

    *Paypal *Bank Transfer *Western Union *Pay2Cell (Botswana Only)

  • Can I Use My Visa/Mastercard/Discovery Card

    Yes, Through Paypal

  • Where Can I Learn More About PayPal and Open a PayPal Account?

    Visit : www.paypal.com

  • How Long Does it Take To Open A PayPal Account?

    Visit PayPal website above and open your PayPal account in less than 5 minutes.

  • How Soon can I Access My Program After Paying Through Paypal?

    You will access your program immediately upon payment

  • How Do I Pay Through The Bank?

    *Account Name : Achievement Enterprises *Bank: First National Bank *Branch: Riverwalk *Branch code: 285267 *Account Number: 622 487 102 55 *Reference: Your Full Names and Name Of Coaching Package

  • How do I Pay2Cell? (FNB Botswana Only)

    Pay To Cell Number : 71303378 . Then Send Confirmation with Including : Your Full Names and Name Of Coaching Package

  • How To Pay with Western Union?

    *Recipient : Cheryl Larona Nekati *City: Gaborone *Country : Botswana

  • What Should I do After Making A Payment (Bank Transfer, Pay2Cell, Western Union)

    Email Your Payment Confirmation to : [email protected] or Whatsapp Your Payment Confirmation with Your Full Names to : +267 71303378

  • How Soon can I Access My program After Payment?

    With PayPal, Immediately. With the Other Methods (Bank Transfer,PayCell, Western Union), You will Access Your program within 24hrs after receipt of confirmation. Upon receipt, an access coupon code will be given to you.

  • What Happens If My Access Code Expires Before I Use it?

    Send us an email and your payment confirmation to : [email protected] and we will help you

Get Personal Coaching Now!

Its NOW your time to ACHIEVE your GOAL BODY and attain GOOD HEALTH!

What Are You Waiting For?

Start Your Intermittent Fasting Coaching Bootcamp Journey Today!

  • No More Denial Of The Food You Love

    "Have your ice cream, burgers and still look good whilst feeling light" with Intermittent Fasting

  • One On One Coaching To Achieve Your Weight-Loss Goals

    You will receive weekly personal and group coaching sessions, our Coaching and Support Plan is intended to help you lose weight; achieve your goal body, and attain good health

  • Learn Everything about Intermittent Fasting and How To Adopt It

    This unique health and wellness program is designed to move you toward an active, mindful lifestyle to become the best version of yourself — inside and out!

"I Improved My Gut Health AND Lost Weight"

- Fifi

Fifi’s success story is about how she improved her gut health and lost weight with the Intermittent Fasting Lifestyle.


  • Do I Have To Do All The Chapters at Once?

    Not at all! You do not have to take all classes at once. In fact, you can take the classes in as many sittings as you want with in your Bootcamp time package (3months, 6months and 12 months)

  • When and How do I Get My Certificate?

    Upon completion of the course you will be awarded with a Certificate of Conpletion.

  • Can I Print Out Materials?

    No, however all you will need will be on your course dashboard. Regardless, you can watch the linked videos on Youtube at anytime.

  • Can I Seek Medical Advice From This Forum?

    No, make sure to consult your medical doctor before resuming any dietary changes. Especially if you have a medical condition.

  • Can I renew My Membership after my Package time has Elapsed?

    Yes, to continue interacting and participating in the exclusive lively forums you may renew your subscription as many times as you want.

  • 'I Love This Course and Want to Become and Affiliate' - Where do I Start?

    Send your request and details to our Email : [email protected] and we can get back to you in 24hrs

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IF Success Stories Gallery

Finally You Have Found The Secret To a Slimmer and Healthier You!