"A Good Coach Can Change a Game. A Great Coach Can Change a Life" – John Wooden

Just Shift Coach-the-Coach Programme

Our tailor-made structured Just Shift Coach-the-Coach Programme prepares coaches and educators to engage in empowering interactions and constructive conversations by building suitable coaching competencies and skills. This practical, highly interactive programme resource provides educators and leaders with the fundamental empowering skills and tools required to deal with complex and dynamic personalities.

A coach is expected to be a role model, a counsellor or supporter, and a guide at all times. Coaching is based on a relationship in which a coach provides support while challenging your coachee's opportunities. Knowing when and how to coach is a crucial ability that can bring out the best in a coachee.

The coaches will be given a wide range of skills, including the ability to:

  • Use helpful coaching tools to
    gain self-awareness, control emotions, and develop emotional agility.
  • Become more "present" when experiencing intense emotions,
  • Boost self-esteem and confidence to coach in challenging sessions. 
  • Effectively coach in tough sessions.
  • Ask appropriate questions
  • Look closely for limiting ideas and habitual negative thoughts




Just Shift 





Emotional Intelligence and  

Emotional Agility

Emotional intelligence is the ability to understand, use, and control your emotions in healthy ways to relieve stress, communicate well, understand other people's feelings, deal with problems, and stop fights. As a result, emotional intelligence helps you have better relationships, do well at work, and reach your personal and career goals. It can also help you connect with your feelings, put your intentions into action, and decide what's most important.

Emotional agility abilities, on the other hand, allow you to recognise what you're experiencing, comprehend what it is, not let it drive you, be more intentional, and, ultimately, reduce the gap between what you're trying to do and what you receive out of it.

Agility is a crucial issue because company executives are attempting to figure out how to assist their organisations in dealing with changes that have never occurred before due to technological advances and employee expectations. Developing new skills is one approach to preparing the workforce for the future.


Personal Change 


To become a successful coach, it is essential to learn to manage change on a personal level. Coaches adept at managing differences in their own lives can support their mentees through their transitions without becoming distracted by their struggles.

Coaches who are adept at helping their clients handle personal change:

  • Learn about people's typical reactions to change and how to deal with them to provide support through the process
  • See through the coachee's denial and resistance to change and guide them to acceptance and action
  • Acknowledge and cultivate the ability to manage change-resistance behaviours, reducing part of the stress brought on by these

The coach needs to make a mental shift and take the initiative to make the necessary changes in their lives by learning the rationale behind and methods for altering the negative thoughts and core beliefs which currently govern their actions to achieve their desired outcomes.

To be effective as a coach, one must learn to adapt to new situations. Because of this, coaches are under increasing pressure to have the flexibility to adapt to unique circumstances as they work with their clients.

Achievement Enterprises' change management uses a structured process and tools to lead the people involved in a change toward the desired result. Whether changing at home, in the community, or at work, people always follow a predictable path: from their current state to a transition state and then to their future state. Individual change management is helping and enabling a person to engage with, accept, and use a change successfully.


The Art of Coaching 

A coach is expected to be a role model, a counsellor or supporter, and a guide at all times. Coaching is based on a relationship in which a coach provides support while challenging your coachee's opportunities. Knowing when and how to coach is a crucial ability that can bring out the best in a coachee.

This Art of Coaching will help the Coach:

  • Learn how coaching can help the coachee grow as a person
  • Master coaching techniques that yield positive results in the lives of the coachee
  • Exhibit the qualities of a good coach in coaching interaction
  • Be a good coach by praising coachees for what they've done well and giving them tips on improving
  • Find issues that have been plaguing employees and think of ways you might help them


Awareness of Cognitive Distortions is so Empowering!

Nnosang Mhutsiwa - Director Human Resource & Administration

1. We embarked on this training to prepare employees to quickly embrace the current change in the organisation. However, I realised that the training equipped us with skills, knowledge and practical tools to positively respond to all changes in different aspects of our lives. 2. Creation of awareness of the cognitive distortions we make daily and how we can correct that going forward. That was crucial in operationalising all the skills acquired to transform me intoto a better person, especially in approaching and embracing any change. 3. The trainer has mastered the subject matter. She customises and breaks down the concepts so participants can easily understand them. Her energy and passion for the topics promote full participation and the zeal by all to understand and fully apply all the tools learnt. 4. I will forward it through email shortly. Thanks, Rachel!

' I am now on an endless change expedition'!

Calisters Maphane - Senior Inspector Civil Engineering

I attended the Change Management workshop with only one thing in my mind; I was going to learn what Change Management is and would later implement it. Little did I know that I would engage in instant change from the minute the trainer started to deliver the content. My trainer and her aids thrilled me and sent me to total agape with the course. Indeed, nothing changes if nothing changes. Coach RN knocked the last little indelibility I came carrying to class, and I am now on an endless change expedition. Tell me, and I forget, teach me, and I may remember, involve me, and I learn ~ Benjamin Franklin

" I have changed perceptions about myself and others"!

Rita Chikanda - Human Resource and Admin Manager

The Training is suitable for all facets of life. I enjoyed the session on cognitive distortions and how to manage them. I have come to accept that Life is half glass full and not half glass empty. Rachel is more than just a Change Management Facilitator; she is a gifted Life Coach and Therapist.

"I feel equipped to welcome, embrace and support CHANGE!"

Obakeng B. Moremedi - Senior Inspector Safety, Health and Environment

Rachel has thorough knowledge and a deeper understanding of Change Management. She articulates herself well, and she is very confident. The interactions in class were of high quality. Rachel made me feel confident about myself; she made me feel fearless!

Our Accredited Cognitive 

Behavioral Life Coaches

Rachel Nekati

HIGH 5 STRENGTHS: Brainstormer. Self Believer. Strategist. Philomath. Deliverer.

Hlengiwe Faku

HIGH 5 STRENGTHS: Time Keeper. Self Believer. Strategist. Optimist. Deliverer.

Kay Chatsama

HIGH 5 STRENGTHS : Analyst. Self Believer. Problem Solver. Thinker. Strategist.

Olivia Masuku

HIGH 5 STRENGTHS : Philomath. Empathizer. Strategist. Brainstormer. Self Believer.

More Reviews

I learnt how to work on my role profile to match the leadership I come across

- Silas Sehularo: Public Relations Officer

I benefited by getting a lot of clarity on personal traits and unique behaviour.

 - Gosego Pilane, Chief State Counsel and Legal Advisor

It made me aware of my blind spots, and strength and also to think more about the future as opposed to the past, which is not serving us. More importantly, I learned how to buckle up.  How to deal with challenges. To initiate solutions,, not lament problems or justify why things cannot happen. –

It helped me to understand exactly who am I. 

- Oarabile Nkwe. Coordinator of Ministry towards Improvement

It assisted me in discovering myself, knowing that I did not know what I thought I knew about myself

 - Kgangmotse E. KGANGMOTSE- Chief Economist

I've become more self-aware. I have learnt my strengths and weaknesses and have been equipped with skills of balancing myself. The facilitator was high energy and very engaging. I all around had a fantastic experience.

 - Lone Gabalebatse, State Counsel

I have learnt to start with me before I could finger point if work is not done. Identify my weakness and use them to create opportunities. I appreciated knowing my grey areas and how best I can work with others with different profiles. Together we can achieve the objectives of the ministry. –

I know myself fully, the traits I need to push from the grey circle in the PDA Wheel Chart, and the high intensity and the low-intensity traits which may cause delays in my service delivery. I appreciated knowing that the kind of leader helps us align with his way of doing things.

 – Oupa Masesane. Deputy Permanent Secretary - Tertiary Education

It gave me a detailed description of my strengths and weaknesses, which have contributed to my success in a positive manner and also pointed to my negative behaviours, which i need to work on. It is a very empowering, motivating and supportive strategy geared towards building compelling and succeeding teams. Team Alignment is a phenomenal concept that diagnoses the behaviors of each team member in the context of a big team. It also introspect the architecture of a given team and comes up with robust practical commitments to place the team on a collective path of top notch and a high performance culture. 

- Peter Mafokate,Chief Project Officer Anti-Corruption Unit

Excellent, I managed to see myself through the eyes of my Team Members. I am looking forward to Emotional Intelligence plus Couple Mentoring when it is offered.

-  Ndoze Moletelo Planning Officer

The assessment has exposed my behavioral style.   I now know my area of strength and I know my motivators. It gives the team profile and show areas we need to modify to achieve the best out of our team. 

- Mooketsi Dijeng Assistant Manager Reforms

It has helped me to appreciate my strengths and my blind spots , and how these play out in my personal and professional space.  It helped me appreciate other team members more 

- Tebogo Bagopi Deputy Permanent Secretary

I benefited from the PDA assessment very much. I mostly apricated the Review of blind spots and how they can be addressed.

 – Kekgonne Baipoledi  Permanent Secretary

Our Trusted Partners

Virtual Learning Reviews

''This virtual training was very Interactive...

I felt it was more interactive than had we been physically trained. I had expected that less interaction.” - M C Chaba: Botswana Unified Revenue Services (BURS)

"There was significant interaction with the trainer...

The online training went well; significant interaction with the trainer. online training is the future.” - Tshepho Gaborone - BURS 

"The training exceeded my expectation...

The online training was far better than I expected.”                                                   – B K Radikonyana : BURS 

"Online training is the best...

I experienced zoom for the first time. I realised online training is much better than physical training because I felt comfortable and at ease."       – N Ntshielang: BURS.

" There was no time to hide behind others...

Online training was more efficient because training physical can be a disaster for participants, whereas online, the names of the participants can be picked easily from the system. Everyone is participating.” – K Delu: BURS

"This is the timely innovation...

“Online training taught me that I don't need a teacher by my side to get training, and I believe it is the innovation we need in this time of technology. I can study wherever I am; distance is no longer a barrier.” -  R Mutembedza: BURS.

"There was order and interesting group work...

I expected a chaotic setup where supervision would be challenging to employ. However, I was pleasantly impressed when I saw the team is divided into groups, and you regularly check our progress to serve progress. It was awesome. I was fascinated by the technology that allows for privacy or should I see enhanced supervision.”- B K Radikonyana: BURS.

“I was engaged and focused throughout the training...

It was my first experience with Virtual and Online training.  The course, as interactive as it was, kept me focused and on my toes. Initially, I thought we would just be watching a tutorial video. I enjoyed it and am looking forward to more.” -   T Lekuta  BURS.

"This was a fantastic experience...

Online training was interactive. It was my first time using zoom a, and the experience was terrific – K Kooepile: BURS.

"We all had sufficient time to interact...

The online experience was more interactive because everyone could express their views without fearing matlho a batho.”        – M I Mooketsi: BURS.

"I felt superb a, and I am satisfied with the experience...

It was like face to face real-life experience. It was eye opening as this showed that in order to learn or help a customer, we do not need to meet in person but can; the experience made me feel great, happy and satisfied as it was a new experience for me.” – B Raditholo: BURS.

"I comfortably related with the trainer...

The online training made me comfortable with the trainer and made the environment friendly enough for me to participate. And I was always alert and attentive. – O Morotsi  BURS

"I am happy I can study anywhere and anytime...

It went well I was like we were in the same room with you, and it shows that I can study where ever I am at any time.”– K Moabankwe: BURS

"The atmosphere was conducive, and we felt so comfortable...

Because It helped to interact well with others who are shy." - MissGee 

"I felt comfortable to participate...

I enjoyed it since I could participate even though I think I lack public speaking qualities." - K Ditau: BURS. 

"It was well organised.

The virtual training was well set up, to find myself being able to communicate with others over the video has helped build my confidence." - Amo N: BURS.

"It was well-coordinated.

It's exciting; it affords everyone the chance to talk and listens without interruptions." - BOB: BURS.

"Though it was my first on Virtual Training, I had fun...

It s my first time using it. I enjoyed communicating with my team members and building my confidence." - Dicks: BURS

"No more stage fright. 

It has been fun, a welcome development for some of us with stage fright." - Sea: BURS.

 "This an appropriate forum during the Covid-19 Pandemic...

The online experience training has been the best! I have learnt a lot, and it would be ideal if BURS can introduce this type of Virtual meeting considering the challenges of  Covid - 19." - Zacks: BURS.

"I felt free to participate...

I enjoyed it more than usual; we feel free, no stage fright." - Miso: BURS.

"Virtual Training is the best...

It is exciting; the audio is better, concentration is also better compared to bigger rooms." - Amo M: BURS.

Group discussions were my favourite...

 I enjoyed the group chats, reduced my shines, and it's like I'm doing one on one." - Rati: BURS

"We felt like a team...

I enjoyed every moment of it, it brings everyone together, and we feel free to participate." - Tammie: BURS.

We Are Building A Knowledge Based Economy

Expert Professional Qualified Training Consultants

Achievement Enterprises is a 100% citizen owned company with local, regional and international pooling expertise. As a BQA accredited training company, we are committed to the success and progress of our students. We have the best experienced, qualified and professional experts across various disciplines who provide high-quality teaching interventions that produce excellent results. We endeavour to create and build a knowledge-based economy through innovative interventions and adapt our approach to meet the needs of our customers.

More Reviews

  • Obakeng Moremedi

    Change starts with ending; I have learnt not to be afraid of change, one change as good or bad as the other.

  • Kuvare Venjonoka

    Love cannot be received nor given. It can only be grown from within. I am in contentment and renewal rooms. I am putting more shock absorbers to deal with life even without BERA.

  • Phillip Molokomme

    Learnt Journeys of loss regarding change and how to detect and appreciate each stage and possible interventions for each. After deep introspection, I have learnt how I feel and how an organisation such as BERA's culture, history and structure can affect progress to positive change.

  • Gabriel Ngele

    Good things happen to grateful people; to be thankful must start from within - love yourself, and you shall be able to love your neighbour. Change requires dynamism, and it flows in the team. I found myself being alone and content in the Contentment room. Therefore, I felt I could do it alone without others and consequently needed to pull together for us to achieve more.

  • Nnosang Mhutsiwa

    Learnt circle of change and the fact that we shouldn't spend much time in the neutral stage. Our core values influence our thoughts. I am content with the current change, but I have realised that I can quickly get into any room in the apartment depending on the change that I am dealing with at the time. For instance, a loss can easily land me in denial.

  • Sebilo Sekaba

    I have so much hope now; I believe in myself. I had no idea how to navigate through achieving my life goals and setting my values. But this Determine your values and goals session has made me believe that I can do better; I feel much better about myself. I Understand values better than I used to; I think I was failing in getting my deals right now.


"Rachel is a river that shares knowledge to help others improve their lives, not a reservoir that hoards knowledge"

By: Manana Tshoagong (Publishing Director at Medi "Roots" Publishing)

The Rachel Nekati that I know extraordinarily impacts the world. Rachel is a river that shares knowledge to help others improve their lives, not a reservoir that hoards knowledge. A natural leader who knows the form shows and goes the way. Her energy, passion & consistency are just admirable. She is intentional in what she wants to achieve. Oozes confidence. Unstoppable.

"Rachel takes a keen interest in the achievement of her clients"

By: Ruth Maphorisa (Director of The Drive PTY LTD)

I am happy to recommend Rachel Nekati as a Coach and Trainer. I first met Rachel back in 2010, delivering a course on Emotional Intelligence, and her impactful delivery has contributed significantly to who I am today. I have known Rachel as a Transformational Leader who has always led by example. One of Rachel's greatest strengths is following through and taking a keen interest in the achievements of her clients/mentees. One notices that all her deliveries are on transformation as opposed to maintenance. These are the qualities of an effective coach/trainer. I have followed her and recently enrolled in her Just Eat Intermittent Fasting Program. Rachel continues to positively transform people's lives with her excellent Coaching and Training work.

" Rachel has passion for teaching, she is very focused and committed"

by Pascaline Sefawe - Deputy CEO

On the way, I relate to food. I have successfully lost weight because of her excellent coaching and teaching skills. In summary, Rachel has a passion for teaching; she is very focused and committed. She puts all the effort into everything she does and impacts positively on everyone she interacts with. Rachel has the right energy!

" Rachel Has Helped Me To Be A Better Leader"

Thobo Moleko - DMSS

Rachel coached me in the Supervisory and Management Program, and I would like to say I am where I am because of her training. It has been mind-opening and has asserted me to become a better leader of my team. I highly recommend her to any organisation and leaders out there.

"Rachel is an Excellent Trainer who is Professional, Focused and Goal Oriented"

Annah Lewanika - Senior Programme Officer - Special Needs. Botswana Examinations Council

I recommend Rachel Nekati as a trainer for Managing thoughts, emotions and behaviour. I have known Rachel Nekati for several years as a trainer and coach. Rachel is an excellent trainer who is professional, focused and goal-oriented. She incorporates E-learning tools with a wide variety of techniques to ensure she achieves success with her students. Rachel is creative and quick to assess her students' needs to ensure no one is left behind. Additionally, she has an impeccable work ethic, and anyone trained by her will acquire valuable skills that will cause a positive shift in their life.

"Rachel Uses Reflective Practical Training Methods"

Kefilwe Kebafetotse - Public Relations and Communications Manager - Air Botswana

I was pleased to participate in one of the Corporate training sessions facilitated by Mrs Rachel Nekati. Her diverse knowledge of organisational development, communication and effective teamwork impressed me. In training the Executive Management, Rachel used reflective practical training methods and excellent interpersonal skills to deliver enjoyable and beneficial content to leadership. I highly recommend her for an opportunity she endeavours to pursue. She is a true gem.

" I have Become A New Person With Integrity, Focus, Confidence and Direction"

Kesego Goabaone Shashane - Site Supervisor - DMSS

My experience with the training has completely changed how I think and behave, not only in the workplace but in my personal experiences. Rachel has guided me to be a better person through principles that I carry every single day. Since your training, I have become a new person with goals, direction, confidence, and integrity. I will forever be grateful.

"I Use Rachel's Teachings In My Demanding and Stressful Job Every Day"

Dr T. Machacha - Hospital Superintendent - Princess Marina Hospital.

I attended an emotional intelligence workshop conducted by Ms Rachel Nekati. She is very professional and eloquent. I still use her teachings in my demanding and stressful job every day.

"Rachel is A Great Coach and an Emphatic Listener"

Phasi Masalila - Corporate & Public Relations Manager Kwa Nokeng Oil

It is with great pleasure to I share this recommendation for Rachel Nekati as a trainer: -She is very passionate in all she does, stays focused and ensures she gets the best results. -Perfect talking and listening skills and always pays attention to details. - Enjoys mentoring and tutoring, and she walks the talk. - Confident and believe in herself. - Rachel is such a hard worker and supportive. She- Always willing to learn more, and she appreciates good results. In summary, Rachel is a go-getter and brave as she leads by example. Always willing to impart any knowledge that will benefit the next person.

"I am in Control Of My Emotions and Feelings"

Merrilyn Cathy Thuso - Operations Manager DMSS

Having Rachel as my coach was one of the best things that happened to me last year. Her course changed the way I see life. Though it was focused on work, her lessons can also be applied in every aspect of our lives. I started being more organised and planned for my day the day before, which helped me be more productive at work and in life ( I feel overwhelmed if I don't do that now). My behaviour changed too; I used to feel entitled to how I felt (my mood), which made it difficult for my colleagues to work with me sometimes, I guess even people in my life🤔 but anyway, I got to learn to manage my feelings. I learned how to resolve conflict, and from all this, I saw the importance of the golden rule - put yourself in someone's shoes, and do what you would like them to do to others. I learned a lot from Rachel, and I am grateful for the training I received from her.🙂

Trainer Profile

Author. Trainer. Coach

Rachel Nekati

Dr. Rachel Nekati is a distinguished professional renowned for her multifaceted expertise and impactful leadership in executive coaching, training consultancy, and cognitive behavioural life coaching. With a career spanning over two decades, Dr. Nekati is the esteemed founder and CEO of Achievement Enterprises, a prominent entity now celebrating its 19th year of operation. As an accomplished author, executive coach, and training consultant, Dr. Nekati's influential work has transcended borders and industries. Leveraging her extensive experience as a strategic and transformational leader, she has held executive positions within significant organisations across diverse sectors. As a Mindset Change Ambassador, Dr. Nekati has mentored top-tier individuals, including ministers, permanent secretaries, CEOs, and senior executives in the public and private sectors. Notably, she spearheaded the execution of Culture and Mindset Change Training for Botswana's Senior Officials and employees, marking a pivotal moment in her career trajectory. Dr. Nekati is renowned for her bestselling book, "Just Shift: Self Mastery Guide to Mindset Change," which serves as a cornerstone in aiding individuals in developing a growth mindset, enhancing teamwork dynamics, and boosting workplace productivity. With an illustrious background encompassing senior leadership roles in esteemed organisations such as Standard Chartered Bank, Barclays Bank, and DeBeers Botswana, Dr. Nekati brings a wealth of expertise garnered from international banking experiences in Singapore, Kenya, Zimbabwe, Ghana, and her native Botswana. Noteworthy achievements include her instrumental role in centralising and elevating Barclays Bank Botswana's retail credit function to a top-ranking position within Africa. As a seasoned entrepreneur and certified professional in personal development and cognitive behavioural life coaching, Dr Nekati has established an Online Soft Skills Training Academy, serving as a beacon of excellence in personal and professional development. She empowers individuals with the skills and competencies necessary for personal growth and professional success through flexible and interactive online video-based courses. Driven by a profound commitment to making a positive impact, Dr Nekati has coached thousands of clients individually and in groups, guiding them toward transformative mindset shifts in areas ranging from leadership and business management to general well-being. She has further expanded her reach by creating Self-Mastery Coaching Masterclasses for Adults and Youths and hosting the esteemed Self-Mastery YouTube Channel, "Just Talk with Rachel," which focuses on issues of mindset change and well-being. Beyond her professional endeavours, Dr Nekati serves as the Board HR Chairperson for Morupule Coal Mine and Botswana Digital Innovation Hub, with prior roles including Board HR Chairperson at Water Utilities Corporation and Botswana Technology Centre. Her academic credentials include a PhD in Cognitive Psychology and Neuroscience from the USA, an MSc in Business and Organizational Psychology from the UK, and a Bachelor of Commerce Degree from the University of Botswana, complemented by numerous psychology accreditations. As a published author of three books, including "Just Shift: Self Mastery Guide to Mindset Change," "Mindset Change Simplified Series," and "Just Eat Intermittent Fasting Lifestyle," Dr. Nekati continues to inspire others through her unwavering dedication to capacitating and helping people be happier and become the best versions of themselves, fostering a culture of personal growth, resilience, and fulfilment. Driven by her enduring values of Passion, Purpose, and Impact, Dr Rachel Nekati continues to inspire and empower individuals and organisations alike on their journey towards greatness.


" Rachel can be classified as one of the top 5 PDA Analysts that I have ever trained in this methodology."

By Corlia Nel - Psychologist

I had the tremendous honour of meeting Rachel Nekati in September 2020. She attended accreditation in the PDA (Personal Development Analysis) Behavioural Assessment tool and the My PDA Coach (online behavioural coaching tool). I am one of two PDA trainers for the African continent and have trained over 800 PDA and My PDA Coach Analysts during my seven-year tenure. I can confidently say that Rachel can be classified as one of the top 5 analysts I have ever trained in this methodology. Her natural ability to connect to, and understand behaviour, has astounded me! It’s not just her technical skills that impressed me; she was a joy to work with because of her amazingly positive attitude and detailed, thoughtful questions, which allowed for open and constructive discussions throughout our interactions during the three day training period. Rachel has been welcomed to the PDA-Africa family, and although she feels that we blessed her with a new skill, I think it is us who have been blessed by having her become a Gold Partner!

"Leaders have energy, Leaders are multipliers, Leaders have patience, Leaders are self motivated and they motivate, this describes Rachel"

Neo Bogatsu - CEO - Botswana Insurance Fund Management (BIFM)

Leaders have energy Leaders are multipliers; they have patience Leaders are self-motivated , and they motivate Leaders are influencers Leaders touch lives Leaders have no shame; leaders are visionaries   That’s how I describe and see Rachel Nekati, whom I have known for more than 26years now…. Over the years, I have seen and witnessed all these qualities in Rachel, qualities that are almost natural but are also practised and nurtured…for Rachel understands what personal growth means, what personal leadership means and that without internalising these, you cannot grow others, you cannot influence, you cannot lead… Rachel has this fantastic ability to motivate and help others grow, influence positively, build and nurture; she derives joy and happiness from seeing others grow and prosper…..As they say, it's what makes her “tick.”  

" A powerful soothing injection "

Angelina Ramogobya - Chika - Snr. Assistant Commissioner of Botswana Prisons

I've learned life-changing lessons from this empowering program. I realised that we sometimes exaggerate and make minor issues into big things, which causes us unnecessary stress. I feel empowered and as if I've been given a powerful soothing injection. Thank You, Rachel.

"I am now able to articulate my dream with a clear vision, confidence and direction"

Malebogo Busang - Creative Director

In a noisy world of solutions, guidance and information overload, all without filter, available at one's fingertips, what a perfect time to have a meticulous and grounded voice of reason with Rachel Nekati. A Critical Thinker and Listener, Rachel jealously protected and has personally steered my Creative Mind and empowered me to make my passion a sustainable way of life. I take pride in engaging with her excellent service. I can now articulate my dream with a clear vision, confidence and direction, a skill I found rather complex and unachievable before engaging with Rachel.  My heartfelt gratitude for your patience and robust understanding of the world we live in today. I am because you Are. Thank you very much.

"I wish I did this course sooner"

Rumbi Chonyera - Civil Engineer

Aiming to empower, inspire and motivate myself; moreover, Rachel exceeded my expectations. The Course was easy to follow, descriptive and highly interactive. I wish I had done it sooner; anyone who wants to effect a positive change in themselves should gift this program.

"I Feel Empowered and Excited About My Future"

- Hlengiwe Faku - CBT Life Coach and Training Consultant

I’ve just finished my stress and anxiety online self-coaching course by Rachel Nekati and Achievement Enterprises, and what a fantastic experience this was. I signed up for the online course because everything in my life was just too overwhelming. I was spiralling out of control; I had no control over my stress and anxiety. Before starting the course, I was unaware that the symptoms that I was presenting, “feeling panicky and sometimes out of control, " were signs of stress and anxiety. These were made clear when I commenced my online self-coaching course. Whilst I was busy with the course, it never felt like I was doing an online course – the support I received from Rachel was excellent; she was with me all the way. It felt like she was physical with me holding my hand, readily available when I needed assistance and clarity What have been some of the benefits or take-outs that I’ve gotten from the course:  The course helped me manage my stress and anxiety better  The system has brought peace to my life, I feel quietness on the inside, and I’m very calm  I can now understand my triggers and how to deal with them  The course made me realise that stress and anxiety are not something that I need to face on my own. There are people out there to support me.  I feel empowered and excited about my future  I have taken my life and the purpose I have in this life back I highly recommend the course to anyone who wants to manage their stress and anxiety better and empower themselves. I’m amazed and overwhelmed with the changes I’m seeing in me. I just want to thank you very much, Rachel, for this life-changing course. I wake up daily with a purpose and drive to do the things that I enjoy and love. Thank you for reintroducing me to my life again.

"This Is The Best Course I have Ever Done"

Obusitse Mongatane - Snr. Training Coordinator - Central Transport Organization

cases, can be a hindrance if they are not adequately managed. L am now in a position to understand my emotions and control my feelings; I know what to do with my emotions. I know how to separate emotions from decision making. My life is different.

"I wish I had Met Rachel 20 Years Ago"

- Allison La Grange - DMSS

It takes only one conversation with Rachel to realise how motivational and inspiring she is. Rachel can read people and situations immediately; therefore, able to give sound advice. Her workshops are full of life-changing practical solutions to our hectic work and personal life. Rachel leaves you feeling energised, positive and motivated. I highly recommend one take time to go out and attend one of Rachel's workshops. I only wish I had met Rachel 20 years ago! You won't regret talking with Rachel. Her inspiration gives you so much confidence. Go for it!

" My Life Has Transformed. I am More Focused and Alert"

Samantha Matlhagela - Manager Card Products and Etiquette Coach

Nekati, through her platform Just Talk with Rachel and her personal development programs, has been able to help a lot of people to understand their emotions and manage their thoughts. I have personally benefited from her teachings and seen my life transform for the better. I have become aware of my thoughts and emotions and have been able to change my behaviour and attitude towards life. Through the positive changes, I am more focused and alert and see results in everything I do. There is no doubt that Mrs Nekati is committed to making a difference in other people's lives.
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Achievement Enterprises

'Excellence In Achieving'